from my trusty 3M cookbook from 1987.
this is super easy and if you have access to rhubarb, super cheap.
i only had sugar free strawberry banana jello, and it tastes fine. i also did not can the jars, just washed them in hot soapy water and boiled the lids. usually jams seal without canning, because the hot liquid is enough to warm the jars to seal. i suppose you could can them for 5 or 10 minutes to be safe, though.
i am going to make a couple more batches of this before the rhubarb runs out.
4 c. chopped rhubarb
4 c. sugar
1 c. sliced strawberries
1 pkg. strawberry jello
combine first 3 ingredients in saucepan. heat over low until juices form. bring to boil, and boil (stirring frequently) for 15 minutes. remove from heat and stir in jello. put into jars and seal.
makes about 5-1 cup jars of jam.